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 March 2

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Books Reviews

Business Planning
in 30 Days

"This book is especially good in the way it presents its information, making it particularly easy to absorb and apply." 
-Alan Caruba, Editor of 

"It is one of the best of its kind that I have seen in a long time."
-Alan Caruba, (email reply, used with permission)


"If this book had existed at the time, it would have saved us weeks, maybe even months, of time that we spent gathering basic information from a variety of sources."
-Farzana Hyland, San Jose, Former Business Owner ( review)


"This is simply the best book of its kind."
-William Nowik, Book Editor,

Site Reviews

Business Plan

"Thank you for offering your free guidebooks. I have begun to read them and think they are an excellent resource."
-Peter Ronald
British Columbia 
Research Analyst


"Your small business information and planning guidebooks are great!"
-Pablo Memba


"Thank you very much, for all the help and motivation your site has already given me."
-Stuart Wallace


"By the way, thanks for the wonderful site.  As I am trying to launch a new business, I am anxious to dig into some of your content."
-Bill Honnef


I've just read the guidebook "Why companies succeed" and loved it! Very easy to understand, interesting and complete, I took several Very Good ideas from it. Thank you for making it available to us!!! 
-Victoria Abdelnur
La Plata, Argentina
Medicine/Psychology Student


Customer Feedback

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Include a short description and best features. Your recommended site should contain information, strategies, tips or low-cost services of interest to entrepreneurs and anyone thinking of starting a business. Please include the URL. 

We will carefully consider all requests, but reserve the right to choose only those links which best meet the needs of our target audience and the goals of "The Entrepreneur's Guidebook Series."

NOTE  If we list your link, we may request a reciprocal listing. 

Linking to Our Site

IF YOU wish to link to www.smallbusinesstown .com, the following site description and image files can be used:

Site Description
Smallbusinesstown offers a step-by-step, easy-to-use business planning guide (Successful Business Planning in 30 Days), as well as, 91 FREE online small business information and planning guidebooks, TOP-100 business resource links, TOP-100 free business related software links, business cartoons, online articles, free classifies and small business forums.

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Successful Business Planning in 30 Days

Patsula Media

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