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Small Business Directory - Top 100 Links for Entrepreneurs
Business Directory

Top-100 Links and resources
to help you plan and build your business
1-20 - 21-40 - 41-60 - 61-80 - 81-100 - suggest a link
  1. Accounting Net
    Accountant's source site for professional information. Also try:

    Accounting News Network
    By Microsoft and Faulkner & Gray.

    BDO Dunwoody
    BDO Dunwoody is an accounting and consulting firm that primarily concentrates on the special needs of Canada's independent business. Includes a library of online tax documents and a listing of the 70 BDO Dunwoody offices.

    Non-Profit Resource Center
    Contains articles on accounting standards & government regulations for non-profit organizations. Accounting and auditing technical compliance resources for non-profit organizations in the U.S.

    William O. Arnold
    Accounting & Tax Service, Health Insurance, Life Insurance - Modern Woodmen of America, Financial & Retirement Planning, SEP IRA's, IRA's, & Pension Rollovers.

  2. Working Solo
    Features articles and links for those looking to become their own boss.

  3. BizWeb 2000
    Features an Online Marketer's Catalog,  free business opportunities, the BizWeb E-Gazette, and a great manual about insider Internet Marketing. 

  4. C/NET online
    Comprehensive technology news and features, as well as great listings of shareware and search engines. 

  5. Better Business Bureau
    Information, publications, resources, members and contact data for BBBs nationwide. 

  6. WebStep TOP 100
    Just opened your web site? If you want to know where to list your web site for free, try WebStep. And if you need to announce your URL everywhere, try:

    Yahoo's Announcement Services

    Furthermore, if you need to register your small business web site with a number of search engines, all at once, try: 

    Central Registry
    Submit It!
    Traffic Boost

    1-2-3 Promote
    The Best Way To Promote Your Site! Interactive 12-point plan. Automated search or submit "cardfile." Recommended Visit!

    And, if you want FREE banner advertising (access to over 200,000 sites), as long as you willing to reciprocate, try:


  7. EntreWorld
    A service of the Kauffman Foundation, EntreWorld contains a wealth of information for entrepreneurs. 

  8. Entrepreneur Magazine's Small Business Square
    Small business operators and those thinking about starting their own company, can pick up all kinds of tips from the seasoned professionals at Entrepreneur Magazine Online. Includes weekly features, daily news briefs and advice columns to help you avoid costly mistakes and sharpen your management skills. 

  9. Industry.Net
    If you're involved with the manufacturing or sales of industrial products, check out this site. It offers business to business information and trading opportunities for industrial companies. 

    Knight + Packer, Inc. Business Center
    The aim of this online center is to keep you "up to date on industry trends and technology." First, register with Industry. It's free.

    Need a "widget" or a "what'cha-ma-call-it" in a hurry? This resource joins buyers and sellers of manufactured components and industrial services. Its directory lists companies by category and allows easy searching for products by keyword. Consider adding your firm to their system. Offers a free 30-day listing.

    Thomas Register Home Page
    Buy from manufacturers. Lists 155,000 companies, 61,000 product headings, 124,000 brand names. THE directory of manufacturers.

  10. WEB Design at WilsonWeb
    Dr. Wilson's Web Marketing Information Center is one of the most comprehensive listings of Internet related marketing articles and research studies available on the Internet. Try the following: 

    12 Design Decisions Your Organization or BusinessWill Need to Make
    Need help designing your web site? This site contains an interactive article designed to help you make the right choices when designing your web-site. Returns an e-mail copy of decisions made.

    Can Small Office, Home Office (SOHO) Entrepreneurs Compete on the Web?

    How to Know When You Need a Shopping Cart Program
    Hands-on demonstration of strengths and weaknesses of a simple HTML order form. Explains why it is inadequate for on-line retail store commerce.

    Questions Small Businesses Ask about the Internet

    Should You Locate Your Store in an On-Line Mall?
    Discusses pros and cons of locating an on-line retail store in a cyber mall in order to stimulate shopping and commerce.

    What Is the Purpose of Your Web Site?
    Article describes ways small businesses use Web sites to market their companies.

    Why in the World Should Anyone Come to Your Web Site?
    This article answers the tough question small businesses must face when marketing on the 

  11. Research-It!
    A "quick sheet" list containing a reference library of dictionaries, telephone directories, quick quotes, UPS and Fed Ex tracking. A one-stop reference desk. Also includes people, quotes, maps, facts, stocks and currency conversion. A handy resource.

  12. Annual Report Service
    Need investment information? The Public Register's Annual Report Service (PRARS) has processed over ten million annual report requests from investors who simply dialed 1-800-4-ANNUAL. Web site visitors are also able to obtain free annual reports (mailed promptly, usually within 48 hours of request) on over 3,200 public companies from the Annual Report Service. Over 140,000 annual report requests are processed monthly. Check out their survey results for the top 50 web sites for "financial information content" as selected by their users.

  13. Internal Revenue Service
    The IRS is everywhere . . . it's even on the net. Get forms, instructions, and the IRS FAQ! The IRS has a newsletter, "The Digital Daily. Also try the Treasury Department. Click here for small business info. If you're still hungry for tax info, give these private web sites a click: 

    H&R Block
    Focus is less on procedure and more on advice.

    Research Institute of America

    Helpful list of links to tax related resources on the web.

    U.S. Tax Code On-Line

    U.S. State Tax Resources Site Seeker

  14. EntrepreNet
    This site features an extensive collection of links to the best business-related sites on the Internet, including sites from entrepreneurial assistance firms, service providers, and government agencies, a venture capital resource center, and an exclusive online library of helpful guides and articles for entrepreneurs. A source of 'one-stop-information-shopping' for entrepreneurs and small business owners.

  15. First American Group Purchasing Association
    Provides access to saving of 5% to 70% on virtually every product. Each month, the Association lists its choices for the top 10 most valuable sites for entrepreneurs. 

  16. CNN Interactive
    An online service from which you can stay up-to-date about events unfolding around the world. Includes weather and sports. Looking for a recent news story? Stop at Story Search. Others excellent news sources include:

    An extensive listing of popular news sources, continually updated by American Journalism Review.

    American Cities Journals
    Representing 28 U.S. weeklies with over a million circulation, this site offers brisk, lively business news and data of use to entrepreneurs. Has a bookstore, too.

    Create your own newspaper from multiple sources, free. This service allows you to check off a number of on-line newspapers and magazines and then view the daily summaries according to your interests. It's fun and the price is right.

    Editor and Publisher On-Line Newspapers
    A comprehensive list of newspapers online from around the world.

    A database of daily business news, headlines, story briefs and full-text drawn from over 600 information sources.

    New York Times
    Excellent national and technology news coverage from a prestigious newspaper.

    Pointcast News Service
    Personalized information and news services, free, with the use of their special client application that you must download and install. Their client application is actually a screen saver that will display the current headlines when your 
    computer is interactive.

    Wall Street Journal 
    Great business and industry coverage. The online format closely resembles the printed version, but goes beyond it in terms of locating past articles and inserting important hyperlinks in news stories.

  17. Insurance News Network
    For insurance related statistics, such as which type of automobile is most prone to theft and which is least likely to b e stolen, try this site.

    Designed to take the place of an insurance agent. Helps you compute the amount of life insurance you need. Returns quotes from several companies.

  18. Best of the Best Business Opportunities
    Vote for your favorite links! 

    Nerd World Business Home
    Includes business opportunities classified.

  19. CommerceNet Home
    A non-profit consortium to promote electronic commerce. 

  20. National Business Incubation Association (NBIA)
    An association dedicated to helping start-up businesses grow.

Successful Business Planning in 30 Days

Successful Business Planning in 30 Days combines the best features and benefits of the The Entrepreneurs' Guidebook Series  in an easy-to-use format! It is a key tool in getting you informed, getting you motivated, and getting your business plan written and your business started!

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