Welcome to the 17th edition of the **<Small Business
Town Gazette**>
Dear ALL,
I've finally decided to change the SMBTN Gazette format from text-based to HTML-based. I resisted for a number of years, because quite frankly, I
don't like most HTML newsletters. There always seems to be too much
advertising and distracting information taking away from the
"NEWS" of the newsletter. I've tried to keep the new format
for the SMBTN Gazette -- simple and uncluttered.
I hope you like the new look. Any suggestions
are welcome.
Until June,
Editor: SMBTN Gazette
Next Issue (June, 2003): "More Strategies for Logo Design"
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Top 20 Business Quotes of 2002
By Peter J. Patsula
Click here for more online articles.
EVERYONE likes to read quotes. They're short, insightful, and
inspirational. In fact, keeping track of good ideas, is a good way of creating a
never-ending source of innovation and marketing ingenuity. As Francis
Cartier says:
There is only one way in which a person
acquires a new idea: by the combination or association of two or more
ideas he already has into a new juxtaposition in such a manner as to
discover a relation-hip among them of which he was not previously
Outlined below are twenty top business
quotes for 2002. These quotes have been gathered from the Business
Journal, the Web and other sources listed at the
end of this article.
Top 20 Quotes
“A good web site is not about
technology. It is about communication and reaching your
Jakob Nielsen, Norman Nielsen Group,
Silicon Valley
“A rush to market with complex
solutions that fail to provide business benefits at reasonable costs
for small businesses will, in fact, increase near term opportunity,
but severely reduce the long term potential of the technology.”
Anthony Picardi, senior vice president of
Global Software, IDC
“As a small businessman myself,
I’ve learned that, if you listen to your customers, they will tell
you what they need to succeed. Complete your 2002 Economic Census It
asks for essential information about America's businesses. Make sure
the voice of small business is heard.”
George Herrera, President and CEO, U.S.
Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
“Audio, video, and Web conferencing
services are expected to grow quickly over the next four years, but
the challenge today is supporting all three on the same network
without quality of service problems.”
Tom Valovic, International Data
Corporation, Program Director
“Co-branding can produce marriage
made in heaven ... Barnes and Noble engaged in a co-branding
strategy when it began including Starbucks coffee shops inside its
Edd Johns, brand strategy director for
Conrad Phillips & Vutech, a Columbus-based marketing and
advertising firm
“E-mail may not be sexy but it can be
profitable. E-mail is the primary reason why people want Internet
access and as consumers become more net-savvy they become more
Alun Davies, Director for Europe, Rockliffe
“Good symbols can be powerful, but
they aren't always necessary. Microsoft, Ben & Jerry’s and
Google have created memorable, effective logos using just colors and
typefaces. A well-designed word-mark, if it's presented
consistently, can be just as effective at showing a company's
personality as a symbol.”
Bob Kadrie, 60-second strategist
“I think one of the things you’ll
hear is that even though times are kind of tough right now, that
we’re America. We’ve got the hardest-working people in the
world. We’ve got the best tax policy in the world. I mean, we got
a lot going for us.”
President George W. Bush, during a speech
at a three-hour forum at Baylor University
“I'm definitely the black sheep
locally. I am dumbfounded that other retailers want a day off.”
Craig Allen, owner of All Star Wine &
Spirits in Latham, who is advocating for liquor stores to be allowed
to open on Sundays
“In 25 years experience with the
[accounting] profession, I have never seen an auditor go soft on a
client because other work was at stake.” Former
Australian Pricewaterhouse Coopers chief executive John Harvey
“In hindsight, there’s a hundred
things I could say to people not to do, but the one thing I’d
never say is don’t follow your dream.”
Steven Lobel, Businessman
“IT spending will no longer be a tide
that lifts all boats.”
Hugh Bishop, senior vice president for the
Aberdeen Group
“Many Web designers agree a
successful site isn't determined just by the ability of its
programers -- it’s also decided by managers who are familiar with
the principles behind good Web site design.”
Aaron Malchow, Business Journal
“Most observers have been saying for
months that the AOL ship appears to be piloted by a retarded test
monkey on barbituates and not guided by any form of business savvy
rationale. . . The merger still lies as the burr in the saddle for
most analysts, viewed as essentially frivolous and unnecessary.”
DSL Reports
“Security is considered ‘sexy’ in
the software arena. But no one thought firewalls were sexy until
Check Point Software went public and started growing with 50 percent
pretax margins. Then, all of a sudden, security was hot. . . .”
Marc A. Friend, general partner, Summit
Accelerator Fund
“Successful businesses require hard
work and a business plan.”
James Frommel, Chairman of SCORE of
Memphis, Business Review
“The good news for you is there is a
great future for all of us technologists. The bad news is, be
careful what you ask for.”
Michael Capellas, president of
Hewlett-Packard, at the HP World user conference last week
“Unfortunately, small businesses
regularly experience cash flow problems. When cash flow becomes
problematic, small business owners should assess their individual
situations. Above everything, small business owners must understand
the nature of their business' problem.”
C.D. HEINEN, senior vice president for
small business banking at Comerica Bank-Texas
“We’re going to miss him. Ha, ha,
Ted Turner, on chief executive Gerald
Levin, who left AOL Time Warner after orchestrating the merger that
cost the company billions
“You all have a responsibility to say
we’re vulnerable and we need to invest more money in training and
technology,’ so that when a cyberwar comes — and it will –- we
will win that war.”
Richard Clarke, presidential advisor on
Cybersecurity, in a Black Hat Security Conference keynote in Las
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Here are six more humorous quotes from celebrities. They have nothing to do with business, but
what the heck:
“When you’re president, you learn to act like you
know what you’re talking about. And it’s a great skill.”
--Former President Bill Clinton
“I know some tricks.”
--Jennifer Lopez, on how she lured her future husband, Ben Affleck
“Of the five most important things in life, health is
first, education or knowledge is second and wealth is third. I forget
the other two.”
--Chuck Berry
“As they say in sports, the older you get, the better
you used to be.”
--John McEnroe
“Not over my dead body will they raise your taxes!”
--President George W. Bush
“Were you born that way?”
--Jesse Rogers, Chicago Cubs radio broadcaster, while interviewing
reliever Antonio Alfonseca, who has six fingers on each hand
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-FARZANA HYLAND, Former Business Owner

"Patsula's book is very readable and user friendly."
-BORDERS.COM, reader review,
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We at Smallbusinesstown.com would like to thank all our
readers for
reading the SMBTN Gazette. We hope you find this information usable,
inspirational, and educational.
Peter J. Patsula
Contact: smbtn
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